Fairy tale 1: the Bremen town musicians

The Bremen Town Musicians is a classic fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.

The story:

The four main characters in this story are already a day older and that is why the donkey was written off, the dog would be beaten to death and the cat would be drowned and the rooster would eventually end up in the pot. They therefore try to escape certain death. To avoid that sad fate, they decide to go to Bremen to make music. But the journey is long and a place to sleep is required. Unfortunately, the light they see in the distance belongs to a house full of thugs. However, the four wouldn't be musicians if they didn't each start making music in their own language. The robbers are so frightened that they flee from the house. Bremen is no longer needed by the animals: they like the cozy nest.


The moral/theme:

The fairytale story teaches that working together pays off. And that working together from different expertise and backgrounds can also yield a lot. The animals that have been rejected or discarded can achieve little individually, they almost give up all hope. It is precisely by working together as a group that they achieve special results. The animals complement each other with each other's individual qualities or talents. The rooster that crows and cocks, the donkey that brays and kicks, the cat that scratches and hisses, the dog that barks and bites. A diversity of qualities makes the cooperation richer and stronger, and by combining these qualities and using the diversity, they also bluff the robbers. In short, imperfect individual animals make a perfect animal team.

The fairy tale about the Bremen town musicians is actually about the 'who question'. Who can they team up with to become Bremen Town Musicians together? The donkey that finds the dog, and then the rooster and the cat. They always invite each other to become Bremen town musicians, from the perspective: together we are stronger. The perspective on diversity is about the realization that you cannot do everything well yourself, and that you need others to complement you.


Bridge to the classroom:

In class we work on talents. Every child that is born has tons of talent. Talent is not about excelling in a particular activity, but about any activity that comes naturally and that brings satisfaction. It makes time fly and that you recharge your batteries. Your talents give you energy.

Children are often unaware of their talent. They need others to make them aware of this. Talents are diverse and we will also discuss that diversity. Finally, we come to work together. Recognizing talents is step 1, but being able to combine talents is an even more difficult step.


The book:

This book is illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger. She is also the illustrator of Alice in Wonderland, among others.

On the left page, the pared-down text is presented in a simple frame, occasionally supplemented by a small drawing in the lower left corner. Subtle also how these four drawings later return on one large page. The right page has the text in sober colored pencil drawings, in which the own thoughts and memories of the animals are beautifully displayed.


Publisher: The Four Winds

Release year: 2007

ISBN: 978-90-5579-863-6

Translator: Ineke Ris

source: www.pluizer.be/kinderboeken-jeugdboeken/de-bremer-stadsmuzieken

Voiced version of the story (in Dutch): https://youtu.be/UB8MRBXnWlY

Cartoon based on the fairy tale: https://youtu.be/obpvg7G1_Zg

Song practiced iv. the fairy tale 'The Town Musicians of Bremen': https://youtu.be/81vpRyFgAR4

Activity Pack 'The Bremen Town Musicians':

PDF – 4,0 MB 10 downloads

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