Story box fairy tale

A story box...hmm... what could that be?

In kindergarten teacher Nancy's class, the children are given a briefcase. It contains fun activities to get started at home together with mom, dad, brother, sister or even with grandma and / or grandpa.

On this site you will find an overview of all digital activities related to a specific fairy tale. In addition, there is also the possibility to read the documents in the story box in another language. This is provided in English and French.

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Info about the story box:

1/ What to do with the story box?

The purpose of the story box is to put language at the center. Children learn language by using it in all kinds of forms and thus playing with language. This story box is therefore an extension of the classroom activities.


2/ What is a fairy tale?

A fairy tale is originally an oral folk tale in which magic often plays a role and appeals to the imagination of the reader or listener.

On this page we take a closer look at fairy tales on the basis of the 2nd book in the story case: The diorama - fairy tales.


3/ Who are the Brothers Grimm?

The Brothers Grimm were the German brothers and linguists Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm and Wilhelm Karl Grimm.

Jacob (1785-1863) was a German linguist. He was a professor in Göttingen and Berlin. He broke new ground in, among other things, lexicography and knowledge of mythology and fairy tales. He and his brother Wilhelm (1786-1859) collected German folktales, which they published under the title Kinder- und Hausmärchen (1812-1822). In 1852 they started the Deutsches Wärterbuch, which was not completed until 1961.

Would you like to learn more about the Brothers Grimm? Click on this link.


4/ What are the Brothers Grimm's fairy tales?

The Brothers Grimm have recorded more than 1 fairy tale. The best known are Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, the wolf and the seven little kids. Although the initial intention was to write down the stories in a true-to-life way, adjustments to the story crept in here and there. In this context you can have multiple versions of 1 fairy tale.

Would you like to get to know some other Brothers Grimm fairy tales? Click on this link.

In Germany there is even a fairy tale route to discover the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. More info: